December 30, 2010

Must Be a Guy Thing

So Luis and I went to see Tron last night. I will admit, from the previews, it did look like a good movie and one that I wanted to see. So when he invited me on a date last night, I was all about it.

After actually seeing it though, I was a tad disappointed. The best part for me was the music. A little trance, a little techno, a little hypnotic at times. It was really excellent. Secondly, I enjoyed the graphics and special effects. The little glowing lights that flashed out of the motorcycles (I don't remember what they were called in the movie) and the way the whole tron city glowed was cool.  And Quora's black hair. That was awesome. And.....that's about it.  In all honesty, I thought the movie sucked overall. I kept waiting for the scene that would pull me in and make me forget I was in a theater, but that never happened. The fact that it was in 3D was part of the problem; I kept fidgeting with my glasses the whole time, and bits of light kept reflecting off the plastic lenses and I could never get a clear view without having to constantly adjust and tilt my head certain ways. Why it was in 3D to begin with, I have no idea; I don't remember a single 3D effect. I think the whole thing would have been better if they left it in 2D. Luis actually agreed with me on this one. Also, I thought the acting was terrible. Whoever that kid was that played Sam was ridiculous. Especially at the beginning pulling all his shenanigans. The plot itself was really hard to follow and I felt like I had no idea what was going on. How did Sam's dad get into the....what was it? A computer? Where, exactly, were they? How did that laser thing transport him there, and what was that laser thing? And why did that disk thing have all his information from before he entered that world? Wouldn't it only have info that he learned while in that world and not in our world? What would have happened if CLU and the other "programs" got into our world? Would they exist as programs and computer viruses or would they take a human form? WHY WASN'T ANY OF THIS EXPLAINED?!? Ugh I just can't stand that. Luis couldn't even explain it to me after the movie was over. He eventually had to admit that it wasn't a movie to understand but one to appreciate the graphics and special effects. Fine. Whatever.

I need something more than just flashing lights and a good beat though. On the drive home I started grasping for anything I could get my head around to make this movie have some kind of impact or meaning in my life. I finally decided on the parallels it could have drawn between God and man. God created man in his own image and gave him the world to crate a utopia; just as Flynn created CLU in his image and asked him to create the perfect world. Human nature sets in and corrupts CLU though, just as it corrupted man, and he becomes self-righteous and evil, committing genocide on an entire "population" of iso-....iso-...I don't remember. Iso-somethings. He kills them all because he considered them imperfect and unworthy. And that's about as far as I got. I almost tried to relate Sam to Jesus, as the son of God (Flynn) who comes to Earth (Tron) to save the world....but that got a little complicated so I had to stop.

I guess some movies aren't meant to have a deeper meaning. Some movies really are created just to show off flashes of light and loud noises and cool costumes and fast motorcycle-thingys and other special effects and video games. And they are "TOTALLY AWESOME"!

Must be a guy thing.

December 20, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

the stockings are hung

o Christmas tree

Christmas dog

Christmas dog is tired of his antlers

handmade present - mug rug

other side

winter wonderland



handmade present - doggie ornament
