January 22, 2013

Testing, Testing...123

Writing a new post on this fancy new template that Blogger has now. How exciting. As I'm writing and looking around this template, I have decided that I really like it already (in these few short seconds) because it looks almost like I'm in Microsoft Word.


Much better. Oh! I just saw the "Schedule" button on the side! Does that mean I can write this blog now (at 10:43pm) and "schedule" it to "go live" tomorrow morning at 8am?! I think it dooooooes!

Totally groovy. I'm sold.

New Topic.

Transitions. So I've decided that 2012 was a year of transitions for me. In many different ways. Some significant, some not. Some I'll mention here; some I won't. Some were good; some, not so much. But all the same, I think 2012 definitely was a defining year in my life!

Here's a recap of my Top 10 Transitions in 2012:

10.  Transitioned from a 12lb to a 14lb bowling ball. And hopefully that will transition into a 180+ average for the second half of the season!
9. Transitioned from having a long-lost-sibling to having my Bubba home finally from the Peace Corps! Now instead of being thousands of miles away, he's only 1.2 miles away at my momma's house! Glad to have him back!
8. Transitioned from wishing I played softball again to actually playing (and coaching) a co-ed softball team! We played all 3 seasons in 2012 and had a blast! We even won a trophy!
7. Transitioned from not working out, to working out, to not working out, to working out, to not working out....you get the idea. Ugh.
6. Transitioned from being thisclose to getting my black belt in Taekwondo to being t  h  i  s  c  l  o  s  e (not close) to getting it. Uggghhh so frustrating. But, I had other things going on and my school was kinda expensive. Exploring the possibility of joining a new school this year and FINALLY getting that damn thing...
5. Transitioned from constantly worrying about stupid, trivial things to realizing what really matters and focusing on that! Thank God!
4. Transitioned from never wearing foundation to wearing it (almost) every day! I finally found one I like and learned how to apply it the *correct* way! Hooray!
3. Transitioned from one job to a completely different job. Honestly, I liked my previous job but I was becoming increasingly bored, never challenged, and really didn't see where it was leading. I LOVE my new job! It challenges me every day and already I see myself growing more confident and professional, and I think I finally know what I want to be when I grow up!
2. Transitioned some significant friendships. Some I've pushed away; some I've held more tightly than ever; some faded but came back. Overall I think I've got a pretty gosh darn good group of close friends that I love dearly.
1. Transitioned from being a Miss to a Mrs.! FINALLY! I married my best friend and the man of my dreams (so cliche but so true!) on March 3rd! Married life is no different but so different at the same time! I grow more and more in love with him every day and sometimes I feel as nervous and giddy around him as I did 8 years ago! I can't wait to see what the next 8 years (and more!) have in store!

So there you have it. Many more "transitions" from 2012 but too many to post here. Suffice it to say (again) that it was a BIG year for me! I think 2013 has a LOT to live up to! Although I'm sure it won't let me down :-) Let the adventure begin!