Current Book(s): Recently finished The Celestine Prophecy and have now started reading the Bible again.

Current Color: Red and Orange mixed together. Yay fall!
Current Drink: Lots of coffee
Current Food: Soups – homemade chicken tortilla and homemade chicken potato
Current Song: Kings of Leon - Closer

Current Favorite Show: NFL games
Current Wishlist: Silpada jewelry
Current Needs: Mo’ money
Current Triumphs: Scored a 94 on my 1st test in graduate school! And I graduated to yellow belt in Taekwondo last weekend
Current Celebrety Crush: Dylan McDermott - Dark Blue

Current Mood: Tired of the rain
Current Bane of my Existence: The rain and my stupid LEAKING “new” car; and bills
Current Link: Silpada
Current Indulgence: Chips and Rotel dip

Current #1 Blessing: My sanity
Current Slang or Saying: “WHO are you throwing to?!?” (football reference)
Current Outfit: Jeans and long sleeve t-shirts
Current Excitement: When the Cowboys win and Wednesday night sparring sessions in taekwondo