February 1, 2011

Go Red!

In 2004, the American Heart Association (AHA) faced a challenge. Cardiovascular disease claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet women were not paying attention. In fact, many even dismissed it as an “older man’s disease.” To dispel the myths and raise awareness of heart disease as the number one killer of women, the American Heart Association created Go Red For Women – a passionate, emotional, social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health. (www.goredforwomen.org)

The American Heart Association's National Go RED for Women day is this Friday, February 4th. Wear RED and show your support for the fight against heart disease, the number one killer of women in the United States. Go HERE to make donations, sign up for the Go RED movement, take the Heart Check Up, get heart healthy recipes, and much more!


About Danielle said...

thanks for the reminder woman! Did you do those pieces?! They look great!

Sarah said...

yeah i actually did them last year; the top one is for me and the bottom one turned into a pillow for my momma