View from the lookout going up to the slopes

We flew into the airport at Roswell, NM....if you can even call it an airport. It was more like a one room building. There wasn't even a real terminal to pull into; they rolled stairs up to the plane and we walked down to the ground like the President, only not as prestigious. We visted the National UFO Museum, which was a joke. But I got a cool shot glass. And Lou took a picture with an alien. They're best buds. :-)

I have never skied NM before, and I have to say it was quite different from what I'm used to in Colorado. Ski Apache is a lot smaller than Keystone or Breckenridge, and there was definitely a lot less snow than I'm used to seeing. Granted we did go at the end of February, but the people there said it was unusual for them that time of year. Only about 30% of the mountain was open and there were tons of areas that had no snow at all, as you can see from the pictures. Regardless though, it was so much fun. It was Lou's first time skiing and he did so great! He had an excellent teacher, of course! Lots of falls on the first day, but he mastered the mountain the second day :-) He is ready to conquer Colorado!

Despite the mediocre food, terrible water, and wanna-be airport, it was amazing. Of course the people you're with make all the difference in the world, and I was glad to share the experience with friends! I predict many more ski trips to come!

Luis, Sarah, Muriel, Enrique, Angela, Brooks

Enrique and his "ski-bike"

Goin to the top!

It was Angela's first time too; she did so well!!

Ski bunnies!
1 comment:
MAN!!!! I want to go skiing so bad!!! We should plan a ski trip for all of us!!! That would be fabulous!!! In a couple of years Emma will be cruising down the mountain on her own!
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