May 22, 2009

Book Review

I don't consider myself an avid reader; I'll read maybe 3 books a year. I don't have a favorite book or author really, though there are a few I've read lately and really liked (Life of Pi; Blue Like Jazz). I used to read a lot for pleasure when I was younger, but it seems there is no time these days to read anything, especially for pleasure.

Until now. I love reading. My favorite author is Stephanie Meyer and my favorite book is Eclipse (3rd book in the Twilight series). I will create time to read all 4 of the books again. I think I'll read them again every year. Seriously. No book I have ever read has kept me up until 2 am on a "school night" just to get to the next chapter. I have never cried with or fretted over or felt emotionally connected to any charachter in any book until now. It is unreal how this story just sucks you in.

I know a lot of you are thinking, "Yeah right; I saw that movie and it sucked". Well guess what. The movie did suck. The book however, kicks your @%$.

Go to the store. Pick up the Twilight series. If you never read another fiction book in your life, at least read these. You'll be thanking me later. Promise.

**The soundtrack is pretty awesome too. :-)

I mean seriously, can you resist this?!

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